Tom Stuij: “Born in 1953 in Rotterdam. First 25 years director in the family business “Transportbedrijf Stuij and de Man”. The company sold in 1998. From 1999 onwards, Mondial Movers, a partnership of moving companies, has been at the helm of Mondial Movers for more than 20 years. Since 2019, time to do those things that have always been left.”
Of course it’s about doing where the interest lies. In my case, you’ll talk about sustainability, marketing and mobility.
For an overview of (side and honorary) features I like to refer you to LinkedIn.
From the sustainability idea, we managed to become importer of the Polynite protection plate and for information about Polynite a large part of this site has been reserved.
I’m going to be called upon in my role as an advisor. But also as chairman of meetings or as speaker (business, CSR, marketing, personnel policy) I am often the right man in the right place. Look at “Wat Doet Tom Zoal” (in Dutch and other languages) for examples. So when you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via
Based on my experiences in business, I may be able to answer your question. I’d like to talk about that. Not that I want to hear all the problems of the world. No, I want to add something. Whether it’s positioning a company (marketing) or a sound personnel policy. From my ideas about the Rhineland Business Model, I may be able to put you on the right track.
If you’re snooping around through Google, you’ll also see that I’m an ambassador for the UBI ( Universal Basic Income) I’m making a hard time for that because I believe in it. UBI can solve a lot of daily problems in our society. If the Universal Basic Income has been introduced, there is no more unemployment. There’s no one needs to accept sick pay.. No one’s retiring anymore. The fact that everyone can develop itself, I think, ensures prosperity in society. Feel free to look at a site with basic income information. Warm Regards, Tom Stuij
If you would like to book me as a spekaer on an event, please use SpeakOut. You expect an instructive and entertaining story from me to support a special event.
Together with you, as a client, I compile the story that your guests, colleagues, friends, customers will appreciate.
Kind regards, Tom Stuij