Polynite Europe is a trade name of the company TSTUIJ.NL . The company’s goal is to import the Polynite protective plates from Japan. In addition, trade and sale of the protection plates in Europe. Except for the United Kingdom.
Polynite Europe
Polynite Europe therefore always has some of the protective plates in stock. Because the protective plates are imported only per full container load. This, of course, to avoid high transport costs.
If you want to purchase Polynite protection plates, then of course you can. There is a protocol agreed with the producer. Each delivery of 50 or more pieces is therefore delivered to you address (in Europe) without transport costs. This at no extra cost for the purchaser.
The price depends on the number of plates you want to order at the same time. Emergency supplies are also possible.
In special cases, you can therefore pick up the plates in the warehouse in Rotterdam.
The protective plates do not need extra protection during transport, they are strong enough for it. Transport by open or closed truck is possible. Given the low weight, transport by consolidation service or van can be recommended.
Firstly, ask for a rate and possibilities through tom@tstuij.nl
Chamber of Commerce
Polynite Europe is registered in the commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce. You can find the registration under number 73912050